Does man now hold in his hands the technology necessary to create God and even if he does, should he?
An archaeological team excavating under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, have made an amazing discovery. They have found a cave containing the lost items from Solomon's Temple including the most holy relic ever known to man, the Ark of the Covenant. Even more remarkable proves to be the exact location of this cave; it is located directly beneath Golgotha, believed to be the place where Jesus of Nazareth was crucified.
When a blood sample is taken from the Ark something extraordinary is discovered. Amidst all the blood of animals that were used in their ritual sacrifices, there are actually traces of human blood. This blood proves to be very unique, because in scientific terms it is still alive. Soon DNA tests confirm that this blood contains only 24 chromosomes rather than the normal 46 chromosomes. What these results seem to indicate, as impossible as it sounds, is that this blood was from a man that was in all likelihood, born of a virgin.
He died more than 2,000 years ago: still, the search to find physical evidence of Jesus's existence and that of other truths of the Bible has remained a constant pursuit for many.
In the new end-times novel by author Jim Parker, The New Beginning: Man Creates God, a mysterious, charming millionaire, Louis Saphari, has started an excavation with archaeologists into the Holy Land. The team comprises all faiths, from agnostic scientists to men of the cloth, who collectively travel to the Middle East to locate the believed place of Solomon's Temple and the lost Ark of the Covenant.
The hope is also, for Louis, to determine God's chosen people among the Israelis and Palestinians, which will lead to the furthering of his one-world government and one-world religion. Yet the excavation becomes more than the archaeologists bargain for, especially as the world begins to show signs of biblical prophecy come true.
Where do we go from here?
DR. JIM PARKER is the founding pastor of Back to the Word Church in Parrish, Florida. He has spent countless hours lecturing on end time prophecy as well as teaching Hebraic customs, traditions, and the history of the times in which the Bible was written.
Dr. Parker conceived of the idea of writing a fictional account of the end times which would engage readers and which took into account the remarkable advancements in science and technology of our time. In this first book, The New Beginning, he has theorized that we now have the ability to create God. The only question that remains is, which god will we create?