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 How Can You Be Saved? - You Must Be Born Again!

One day a man came to Jesus (Yeshua) and asked Him the most important question that he, or anyone else, could ever ask. In fact it’s the most important question that has ever been asked on this earth. The question was simple but it’s implications were life changing, in fact they were eternity changing. His question simply was “How can I have Eternal Life and How can I get to God?”

The man’s name was Nicodemus and he already was a very religious man. He was a ruler of the Jews, a man of the Pharisees (the ruling religious class), who had finally come to the realization that religion was not what he needed. This story is found in John chapter 3 and in verses 1 through 21.

Such a simple question and Jesus (Yeshua) gave him a simple answer in return - Jesus said “If you want to see the Kingdom of God you must be Born Again.” The same is true for any of us. If you want to get to Heaven you must be born again.

When we hear this we probably have many of the same follow up questions that Nicodemus had:
“How do we do this?”
How can we be born again?
And why do we need to?

When Adam first sinned in the Garden of Eden he separated us from God and from that time forward we all have been separated from God. Death came into this world because of sin; in fact Paul clearly told us “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Sin separates all of us from God and because of Adam’s sin all of us are born into sin (Romans 3:23 - 5:12). That’s why Jesus said if we want to live with God forever we must be born again, born into a new life!

Jesus said there is a Kingdom not of this earth and in order to get there, there must be a birth. He said that which is born of the flesh is flesh but that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. We cannot choose our physical births but we can definitely choose our spiritual births. Jesus’ died on the cross to pay our price for this new spiritual birth and He paid it in His blood. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice all who wish to, can now be born again. And if you want to live forever with God you must be born again!

So how do we do this? How can we be born again?

We simply ask God to do this for us in the form of a simple prayer. Jesus said in Matthew chapter 7 and in verses 7 and 8: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”

The words don’t have to be exact - it’s whats in your heart and mind that matters. But if it would help you to find the words, I suggest you simply pray words like these:

Lord Yeshua (Jesus) I know that I am a sinner and I know my sins have separated me from God but I want to be born again. I know that you died for me and I know that your blood can wash away my sins so Jesus I ask you to cover me in your precious blood, wash my sins away and make me be born again. Please come into my heart and be with me forever I take you as my Lord and Savior.

If you prayed that prayer and if you meant it then Jesus promised you were and are Born Again in Him! Praise God. May God Bless You and I look forward to seeing you in Heaven one day!