
Downloadable Sermons:

At Back to the Word we very much believe in doing everything we can to help you grow in your relationship with God and to help equip you with the ability to share God’s truth with others. We are also aware that there are many home churches and gatherings that are looking for the resources to help them meet their needs to teach God’s Word free from all of the traditions of men that we have been taught our whole lives which have led us further and further away from God.

Unfortunately the scriptures assure us that most of us have inherited nothing but lies. Remember the words from Jeremiah chapter 16 and verse 19 where God says through the prophet Jeremiah:

O Lord, my strength and my fortress, My refuge in the day of affliction, The Gentiles shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, “Surely our fathers have inherited nothing but lies, worthlessness and unprofitable things.

So we now offer you the ability to download and use our messages for your personal study, for your get togethers with friends, for your home services and for your weekly church services. These messages are straight from the Bible free from all the man made doctrines, traditions and compromises that seem to be everywhere today.

We don’t use the same old audio or visual messages that many churches are using because we believe it’s much more important for you to have something that you can hold in your hands and modify for your individual needs, a resource that you will actually use to grow closer to God, to further your studies and to share with others. So we offer our messages (on a monthly basis) in Microsoft Word format so that you have the ability to use them exactly as they are or modify them as needed. These are the same messages that we use in our church.

Although this is a lot more time consuming and labor intensive, and although it costs us more to do it this way because everything is written out for you, we feel that this is a much better way for us to help you share the Good News. In order for us to be able to do this however we do need to share a part of the cost with you. We have tried to make this resource as useful and cost effective as possible. and we offer three ways for you get these messages for yourselves, your group or for your church.

These messages are offered on a monthly, semi annual, or annual subscription basis. The messages will be sent to your chosen email each month with a file that contains a month’s worth (4 or 5) of messages. We pray that you find this resource useful and that God uses it to help you get His truth out there.

Upcoming Sermon Series:

Jesus’ Words From the Cross (Six Part Message Series)
1. How Do You Forgive the Unforgivable?
2. It’s Never Too Late
3. Behold Your Son, I Thirst
4. The Forsaken Messiah
5. It Is Finished
6. A Time to Die

Living With the Ten Commandments (Ten Part Message Series)
1. No Other Gods
2. No Graven Images
3. Don’t Take God’s Name in Vain
4. Remember the Sabbath to Keep it Holy
5. Honor Your Father and Mother
6. You Must Not Murder
7. No Adultery Allowed
8. You Must Not Steal
9. Don’t Lie
10. Don’t Covet

Monthly Subscription: $50

Semi Annual Subscription: $240 (save $120 off the monthly plan)

Annual Subscription: $360 (save $240 off the monthly plan)

ministry donation:

Please Be Sure to Add Your Email Address to Your Subscription Payment so we can Email You Your Sermons!
