
 Downloadable Bible Studies:

As you can tell from our website we at Back to the Word Church believe the best way to learn more about God, to grow closer to Him and to learn His desire for your life is to study His Words the Holy Bible. We also believe the best way to do this is through an in depth study of the Bible, specifically a verse by verse one.

After all in 2 Timothy 2:15 we are told to: “Study to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

And in 1 Peter 3:15 we are told: But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect .”

We need to study God’s Word so that we can answer people when they ask us why we believe what we do and so that we can tell others why we have hope even when this world often seems hopeless and so lost. We can help you do this through our downloadable Bible Studies where we study the actual Bible and not some other book, workbook, or video series that supposedly tell us what the Bible says. If you want to know what the Bible truly says then you need to read and study the actual Bible.

Just as we offer our downloadable Sermons we now offer you the ability to download and use our verse by verse Bible Studies for your personal study, for your get togethers with friends and for your Church Bible studies. These studies are straight from the Bible free from all the man made doctrines, traditions and compromises that seem to be everywhere today. And just as with our sermons we don’t use the same old audio or visual messages that many churches are using because we believe it’s much more important for you to have something that you can hold in your hands and modify for your individual needs, we truly believe that this is a resource that you can actually use to grow closer to God, to further your studies and to share with others.

So we offer our Bible studies (on a monthly basis) in Microsoft Word format so that you have the ability to use them exactly as they are or modify them as needed to fit your study or your study group. These are the same verse by verse studies that we use in our church. In order for us to be able to do this however we do need to share a part of the cost with you but we have tried to make this resource as useful and cost effective as possible. and we offer three ways for you get these studies for yourselves, your group or for your church.

As with our messages, the Bible studies are offered on a monthly, semi annual, or annual subscriptions basis. The Bible studies will be sent to your chosen email each month with a file that contains a month’s worth (4 or 5) of chapters. We pray that you find this resource useful and that God uses it to help you get His truth out there.

Upcoming Bible Study:

Daniel Introduction
Chapter 1 Daniel and His Friends Obey God
Chapter 2 Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
Chapter 3 The Image of Gold
Chapter 4 Nebuchadnezzar’s Second Dream
Chapter 5 The Handwriting on the Wall
Chapter 6 Daniel in the Lions’ Den
Chapter 7 Vision of the Four Beasts
Chapter 8 The Ram and the Goat
Chapter 9 Daniel’s 70 Weeks of Seven
Chapter 10 Prophecies of Persia and Greece
Chapter 11 The Kings of the North and South
Chapter 12 Prophecy of the End Time

Monthly Subscription: $35

Semi Annual Subscription: $180 (save $60 off the monthly plan)

Annual Subscription: $240 (save $180 off the monthly plan)

ministry donation:

Please Be Sure to Add Your Email Address to Your Subscription Payment so we can Email You Your Bible Studies!